pic: TechnoKat High School Wall

After 12 years of Kokomo High School being in FIRST, it’s about time that we have gotten some recognition within the school. Thanks to fellow TechnoKats Chris Byam (teacher) and Amy Przybylinski (Delphi engineer) for their effort and artistic talent. Maybe this will help us recruit more students on the team next year.

You even have your own velvit rope I see… :slight_smile:

Very Nice.

Our Teacher is supposed to have his own display case outside the room, but the athletic department jacked it from him and put all the school spirit stuff they sell in it… so now all of our stuff is crammed into a VERY VERY small little 1 foot by 1 foot and like 5 foot tall case…

Way to go technokats!

Our Teacher is supposed to have his own display case outside the room, but the athletic department jacked it from him and put all the school spirit stuff they sell in it… so now all of our stuff is crammed into a VERY VERY small little 1 foot by 1 foot and like 5 foot tall case…

I think our team has I think three or four display casses all over the place. Im not really sure because I know they are in the cafeterias but we have three of them.

hey… your school team is also the wildcats… thats what we are (woburn wildcats) but at least its spelt with a “k” so you have a difference :wink:

who are we? the wildcats!
who are we gonna beat? the wildcats!

Nice! I wish our school would do something even remotely that great. When we became a more well known team, and won NUMEROUS awards last year… as a driver, I tried to get the school to display the award for even a day or two… pfft, forget that… we aren’t ‘school sanctioned’ so they wouldn’t alows us to display our awards :frowning:

Little more info. This is actually in the foyer area of our school where there is a large long wall that has a few different paintings and murals on it. Down the wall on the right there is something similar for academic scholars and sports. It fits very well.

my school is slowly recognizing us more and more. we have to push the scholarship angle, so that way it looks good. :stuck_out_tongue:

hopefully by 10 years from now we’ll have our own wall :).

*Originally posted by Ian W. *
hopefully by 10 years from now we’ll have our own wall :). **

Forget a wall, I want half a shelf! :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

our racer from the Sandhill Challenge (A Local high tech soapbox derby if you will) that we won with in 2001 is displayed in the front of the office. It actually gives us quite a bit of exposure as everyone knows about it and then goes “Oh thats from the robotics team?” I believe we also have some trophies and plaques displayed in the office as well.


Did ya’ll paint that?
Oh yeah, I thought 45 won the Chairman Award.
If not you should have, your a great team!

*Originally posted by T967 *
Did ya’ll paint that?
Oh yeah, I thought 45 won the Chairman Award.
If not you should have, your a great team! **

The logo and big 45 were painted on the wall with huge stencils that they made and the accomplishes were put on w/ stickers.

Oh yeah, I thought 45 won the Chairman Award.

We won the Chairman’s Award at the Midwest Regional in 2002.

Yeah we will probably never get anything like that from any of our schools. And a display case at the schools would never work because there are between 3-5 schools involved per year and we only get 2 trophies from FIRST so the team just keeps the set of trophies at our practice facility.

It would be cool if FIRST sold replica trophies to the people who want them. Because I know taht at other competitions such as dance comps that my sister used to attend if you won a trophey you could get a replica for like 20 bucks.

i noticed that u guys are the 1992 national runner ups. i know that there are only 4 teams left from 1992 and i think they are
126 (definatly yes)

just curious if im right about that and awesome job on the wall, congrats.

devin, gael force 126

yea talk about close team names-

us- RoboRaiders
25- Raider Robotix

my friend(driver) almost died trying to get to the field when hearing “raiders” announced at regionals (he was in bathroom) then he realized it wasnt us and we all laughed at him(what good friends!)

*Originally posted by xavior06 *
yea talk about close team names-

Raider Robotix
Wildkats …

I think the cats have it a little closer :slight_smile:

Who designed the wall’s layout? Quite neat indeed, I’m sure it won’t take long to be filled, I hope you made room for expansion

What about

Westside Boiler Invasion
The Boilermakers.

there’s a couple teams out there that are the beast…

yeah… we can’t have a wall… since we don’t have one school to put it in… 4 schools with 71 walls might be nice… if it wasn’t for the whole they’re going to be closing Gavit (my school :() within the next 6 years, and adding on to Hammond High… blehh

sry but i probably should have worded my post a little bit better sry.
i meant to say any teams left from 1992 that didnt change sponsers or just left for a year and came back. im wondering about the teams from 1992 with the same sponsers throughout their participation and never left the program.

Originally posted by 1)ark1)ragon *
i noticed that u guys are the 1992 national runner ups. i know that there are only 4 teams left from 1992
* and i think they are
126 (definatly yes)

just curious if im right about that and awesome job on the wall, congrats.

devin, gael force 126 **

Obviously there are more than only four teams left from 1992, since we’re still here and we were national runner-ups in 1992! :smiley: