pic: The Capes are IN


Ashlee and I get dressed and prepare to go on our flower-child quest to make sure every guy at IRI gets a hug

free hugs? errgghh now I’m even more upset that I couldn’t go to IRI :frowning: hrmm

:: jealousy ::

Kripes Dan! We could have caused so much troubble Up there


Erin - thanks for the quote!! :smiley:

heh Kripes is right no bot to work on / drive… I wouldn’t know what to do with myself …

sounds like it was a lot of fun tho

Quite a good picture taken there in the IRI crew/staff/vip room. Gee, I wonder who took it…

big grin

best times I’ve had yet.

Am I the only person that thinks Erin’s grin is slightly evil looking???

Every guy at IRI gets a hug?

Umm i didn’t get a hug.

*Originally posted by oneangrydwarf *
**Every guy at IRI gets a hug?

Umm i didn’t get a hug. **

I got one! Actually, I got a couple…

yeah i think everyone at the scoring table got at least like 10 each it seemed…then again, Ashlee gave ken a hug while he was asleep and it freaked him out…poor sleepy ken…

*Originally posted by oneangrydwarf *
**Every guy at IRI gets a hug?

Umm i didn’t get a hug. **

Awww… I’m sorry. But we didn’t recognize you without the green mohawk!

… maybe next year

There were two guys giving out hugs on Friday … I don’t remember their names of what team they were from, though - anyone else get hugs from them?

  • Katie

*Originally posted by Katie Reynolds *
anyone else get hugs from them?

I did.

*Originally posted by Brandon Martus *
**I did. **

Now, that would’ve been a picture… Brandon hugging Ashlee… :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by Jeff Waegelin *
**Now, that would’ve been a picture… Brandon hugging Ashlee… :stuck_out_tongue: **
I thought we were talking about the 2 guys giving out free hugs… :confused:

*Originally posted by Katie Reynolds *
**There were two guys giving out hugs on Friday … I don’t remember their names of what team they were from, though - anyone else get hugs from them?

  • Katie **
    I hugged them and they said i was the most aggressive hugger they have ever seen… Then Big Mike crushed me.

*Originally posted by Dave_222 *
**I hugged them and they said i was the most aggressive hugger they have ever seen… Then Big Mike crushed me. **
who? me? nah i dont crush people esspecially when they arent that much smaller than me

*Originally posted by Brandon Martus *
**I did. **

up until this point I thought Brandon was A machine, I now know that is InDeed human… He might still be a cyborg tho

Just kidding, Please dont ban me again!

you know, it’s bad to insult the moderator when you’ve already been banned at least once, and even worse when you immediately beg for forgiveness and not banning right after you insult him…

of course, it’s not me who’d be getting banned :wink:

Well, it was like 1:00 in the morning and I thought it was funny and i thought this was a funny thread

Sorry Ian