pic: The Cool Squad- aiming for you

the team 25 Cool Squad wielding their Airzookas

hey, days from joysey…

I wonder if they “fullfilled” all of thier contracts from the championship.
With “Big Mike” crushing spines and the rest of the team sekking out vicitms in the stands Raider Robotics have truly become a team to fear. :smiley:

They missed me. :smiley:

Exactly how do they miss finding a 6’6 guy?
Mike didn’t even give you a bear hug?

No Brandon- they are just waiting for an opportune moment…

Perhaps they’ll e-mail it to you, Brandon. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hmmm- you open an envelope and get hit with a blast of air. Reminds me of my bills on the first of the month.

Maybe I’ll just send him a kingsnake…


What about those exploding blue cartridges banks put in bags to foil robbers?
This is getting interesting… :smiley:

That would be funny, “Hmmmm, looks like I have mail” then the dye back explodes in your face. That would be crazy, the cool squad stricks from many many many miles away and you didn’t even see it coming.

i was told a few times they were looking for me but they never found me…i guess i was one of the ones they missed. I should keep an eye out for them during the off season.

I bought a couple of those air cannons for my nephews at Atlanta Underground. The things set off the hotel fire alarm in my room! :ahh:

How did it set off the fire alarm? :confused: Too much air at one time maybe?