pic: THINK PINK Teaser 05

This is just to get everybody a better idea of how much space we have for ball storage. Again, this picture was taken on February 13, 2006.

How about for THINK PINK Teaser 06 you step back a few feet and let us see it in all it’s glory?!?

Very anxious to see it.

It looks good, BTW!!!

From the large chains visible in one of the other teasers, I would guess that the whole hopper spins. If this is so, does the large column in the center also spin? Does it spin faster then the outside of the hopper? This seems like a slightly inefficient way to get balls up the spiral (unless they are spinning in different directions, perhaps.)

Wow, you guys do beautiful work!!

The drum in the center of the robot spins. The outside frame is stationary. This photo shows the drum at an incomplete stage. We are finishing powder-coating the robot today. Tomorrow we should hopefully have it reassembled for finalized pictures of the drum.

All in good time folks! :smiley:

Ahh! That makes much more sense. I was flipping back and forth between the pictures wondering which gears were for what. I assumed “spinning hopper” meant that the actual hopper spins. “Spin driven hopper” seems to be a more accurate name. It looks like it will be pretty effective, I can’t wait to see it in pink!