pic: TNT: First elimination match

Alliance One posing after the first elimination match 216-0

so… did you guys run out of tubes or somethin’?

from the Human Player? yes, but the rack was bleeding with red tubes so they just stopped picking them up from the other side of the field

1902- are they the exploding piggies? :stuck_out_tongue:

To 1902 and 1369 I personally extend a thanks for being such amazing partners, it was a blast. And for the record, this is my new desktop backround.

Yes we are Exploding Bacon. We had a BLAST at TNT. Thanks to 1251 and our sister team 1369 for such a great alliance. Also thanks to Pink, Bionic Tigers and Shark Attack for some nail biting rounds. From what I understand after the last match (#4) every robot on the field had broken something. Nothing like leaving it all out on the floor.

Who let all three of these teams onto the same alliance? Were there only a couple alliances??? :eek:

Thanks 1902 and 1396 for being awesome and for playing a GREAT game !!! this goes to EVERYONE there at TNT and thanks to all the teams that helped us out when we needed sheet metal screws… YOUR AWESOME !!!

WE AT 1251 LOVE YOU !!! (especially me !)

  :D :p :yikes:

Man, there’s an alliance I’d love to be part of :eek: