pic: TRI Shoutcasters 2018

We added between match commentary to the TRI stream this year. For being hastily thrown together the results were pretty promising.

The basic requirements were a reasonable desktop PC, a couple monitors and some gaming headsets. We didn’t have a direct video feed or anything, we were just rebroadcasting the stream that we already had for the event. The between match replays were done just using the YouTube live DVR function. We had 4 people on air, a couple of them were doing double duty as event volunteers or team mentors during the event as well. Spectrum had two students acting as the producers, changing cameras, giving the shoutcasters their in and out queuing, etc.

This something I’d like to see at more events, getting to give the audience inside access to the teams, and the decisions at the event was great.

Good to see another event provide analysis. Something tells me it won’t be long before every event has an analysis team. It makes for a more interesting webcast than silence and static slides for half of the duration.