thats cool
is there any video?
I tried to post some video to youtube but it wasn’t cooperating so video should be up in the next day or two. If anyone at Monty Madness wants to demo this come find me, I should be in the Vex pits.
dude… you are my hero!!
huge props on making these =)
These are really cool i got to see them at Monty and our mentor (head vex ref at Monty i believe) Ben Mitchell explained to me how they were made. This is really sweet.
Where the wheels made on a 3-D printer? If so, that is even cooler!
dude… you are my hero!!
word? I feel special:D
These are really cool i got to see them at Monty and our mentor (head vex ref at Monty i believe) Ben Mitchell explained to me how they were made. This is really sweet.
Thanks Ben is good people he’s as down as they come when talking about refs.
Where the wheels made on a 3-D printer? If so, that is even cooler!
Yeah they were made on a 3D printer. The design isn’t mine though I found it on the vex forum.
oh my gosh!!! those are amazing!!! GREAT work!!
now i want some…
very nice!
how well does it work?
what material did you use for the wheels?
do you have any kind of suspension?
Hmmm Ill try to answer your questions… even though dustin will correct me… from what ive seen they work fairly well… might be better in other peoples opinions… i dont know the material… and from what i saw there is no suspension
That’s awesome, how long did it take to print each roller?
I would also love to see some video of this in action, this could become a very cheap way to prototype a mecanum drive if someone started selling these.
thats awsome for you to accomplish that. I hope that they work as cool as they look. I cant wait for a video of it in action.
Yah… I would definitely like to see a video.
Three dimensional printers for rapid prototyping typically use ABS plastic, which is likely the same for the wheels.
Three dimensional printers for rapid prototyping frequently use ABS plastic, which is likely the same for these wheels.
Would you mind posting the link to the original design? I might look into printing it as well.
Guessing from the size of the wheels I’m guessing between 15 to 25 hours to print all four wheels and rollers.
Yeah the wheels are made of some kind of plastic. video is coming soon i am still recovering from monty madness. The wheels with all 72 rollers took >40 hours to print.
^ooh you have 99 posts