Team 1334’s robot (aka Fred) was lifted into the sky by the HLVW Wrecker of the Canadian Armed Forces at the CNE in Toronto. We were putting on a promotional event along with 907, 771, 2185 and 1305 when one of our mentors had the idea to see if the people at the Armed Forces demonstration would lift our robot up with their crane. Many thanks to Cpl Jonathan Ellis for his willingness to help us out with the photo op!
You know, seeing things like this makes me feel proud to be Canadian, and gives me the “Hey! That’s my robot, you know!” feeling.
The sun actually comes out in Canada?
Cool pic!
Yup, and there’s even a fellow in shorts, eh?
(he was carried away by mosquitos shortly after the picture was taken)
You mixed up 2009 with 2007.
I was more shocked that Canada has Armed Forces aside from guys on horses saying eh a lot (and Karthik’s singing but that is banned in the Geneva Accords).
From the angle of the photo, it seems like the crane is tilting over from the weight of the robot.
Are you sure that’s only 120 pounds? :ahh:
(I could make a joke about them being “Canadian” pounds, but our friends to the north may frown upon such jocularity…)
Yes Canada does have an Armed Forces! How dare anyone question us. By the way they are all present in the photo. :ahh:
I knew it! They are using FRC to build an armed forces (Because there is a robot in the picture)