pic: WebHug


For all of you that were there, Thanks…it was AWESOME. I meet a of great people and had a blast.

Ohohohoh! I see myself! I’m next to the TechnoKats mascot in the orange hat! Great hug guys.

PS, DJ, when will you get that pic of Mike bear hugging me up? I want to show the rest of my team what I had to go through. :wink:

I am hitting myself so hard for missing it, AAAARGH

good job to all you teams there, you all did great and hope to see you all again next year…

(363 days till next webhug, I can’t miss it!!!)

I dont know if any of you felt it, but just as we all got together Big Mike ran into one side of the hug and swayed it to one side… It was fun.


O i am right by mike walkeron the left but he crushed me thats prob why you cant see me

Me too! Missed it AGAIN! Went to conference and forgot about the hug.

So glad some people hunted me down. Hi Al! Hi RUSH! Thanks to Breanne I hugged Andy Baker!

I’m am proudly displaying my Team 25 Cool Squad Contract for having a mean CD avatar :smiley: I was wanting to talk to you guys more about what other awards you gave but didn’t get to your pit. Great presentation!

I see me. Or my hat at least. Purple WPI hat in the lower right. Mel was somewhere around me, but I don’t see her in that picture. I think she was in front of Dave, who’s the white bandana in the bottom center.

I’m thankful that I was wearing my button vest as Big Mike decided that he might get hurt by the pins.

I’m somewhere in the pile, close to the middle. It was great to meet you all, though I wish JVN showed up so we could meet the great man that so many claim to be :wink:

Prize memory of the day: Michael Martus gets bearhugged. :smiley:

Heh heh. The camera being held above everyone is from our team and the hand holding it is Tom, or 30goto20 on CD. Below that, you can see my Spikey red hair.

cries how could I miss this?!.. o wait… iwas in the pits and in the playing field taking the pictures… media team, baby, media ;D o well hugs computer there you go :

There’s always next year. I had to sneak away to get to the hug, so don’t worry.

It was fun to watch :slight_smile:

Woah there I am in the back… looking at what though? :confused:

A great time had by all at the webhug, obviously… hmm maybe IRI could have a mini-webhug?

the best comment i received after the webhug was from The Lucas. “don’t you dislike physical contact?” yeah, but shh, it was the webhug, i couldn’t miss that!

Yay, I see my… self?? no… Hat?? Yes!! That’s me filling in the lower left corner of the picture with my official FIRST tan hat with limited edition pins on it!

I’m in there too, black hat saying “Got Roo(t?)”, near the center

Here are a few more web hug photos from four different angles. If you were there, you should be in one of these (unless you were hiding behind someone else.)

you know, I always say that I am going to go to this thing, and then I get caught up in the competition and never make it…

someday I vow to get there!

However, until then I will look at the pictures with feeling of insane jealousy.

I think I might clone myself for next year’s.

OHH! look im out of frame i feel so loved