pic: Who Am I?

As a super-hardcore human player, every time I missed an inbound I had to do 10 push-ups. And were I ever to commit a G40 (which, thankfully, I never did), I was to do one push-up for every foul point I incurred.
One set of push-ups on practice day, one set of push-ups in eliminations.

Haha. If my team did that, HP’s would be doing push-ups all over the place. Lol. So how many push-ups did you end up doing?:smiley:

Who is Kevin?

Jeopardy Form

30 for the whole weekend. I’d say that’s pretty good. :slight_smile:

For the past couple years our team has been doing this. Ironically, two years ago the person who created our “punishment” was the only person to commit a penalty

Woah. That must not have been too hard. Im so glad that I didn’t have to do that. Lol. Hope you had a good FRC season.