pic: Who can identify what this is?

Who can be the first one to identify what this is?

a jag out of its case…

It’s a Jag.

I think your right.

Not only is it a jaguar out of its case, its a TAN* jaguar out of its case and without it’s fan!


It’s a TAN Jag.

[edit] MDAWG25 beat me to it

… with 12 FDP8874 FETs

I beg to differ, that is a BD967F colored jag

Hmmmm, cool. I popped one open before. Am wondering why you opened it though: when I blew one out, the FET’s were completely melted/had blown up.

I have a feeling I messed up more then the FET’s on mine… :o

Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding! Congratulations!

Special recognition goes to Ether!

I took this one apart because it was labelled bad in testing. I’m not sure what was wrong with it, though.

It looks like electronics. :smiley:

I saw the picture and immediately said “It’s the inside of a Jaguar, duh.”

Out loud.

In the presence of others.

It only took me a couple of seconds to realize how silly it sounded out of context.

Ahhhh it still has the luminary micro stamp on the chip…

Hah! My wife wasn’t the least bit confused when I asked aloud “Why am I looking at a naked Jaguar?”

We here at Truck Town have a history of killing Jaguars softly–no audible or visible damage. This one we found in a drawer attached to the main table in our electrical area back in the fall of 2011. It had masking tape with “BAD?” written on it on the bottom. We tried it, it was indeed “bad” (I think it just always output 0), and we put it back in the drawer, until now I suppose.

We also gave both sides of a Black Jag power from the PDB while working on our 2012 practice board, and when we noticed that Jaguar’s status LED wasn’t on, we followed both pairs of wires coming from it back to adjacent slots in the power distribution board. Nothing noticeable happened when we powered it on, but swapping it out with another and wiring it properly solved that.

This is officially on my Top Ten Unlikely Wiring Mistakes. Because wiring it properly and backwards at the same time is pretty impressive.

If my memory serves me, the Jag right next to it was hooked up to two motors. Obviously, that didn’t cause any damage, because it was functionally equivalent to not being connected at all. It was quite humorous though, especially because the one person we suspected of actually doing it had to leave that meeting early.

I find it humorous that you can remember exactly what it said, as well as where it was!

Although you are partially wrong; the masking tape was over where the fan would be. :rolleyes:

Your wife is a very understanding woman! :stuck_out_tongue:

We have once wired a black jag backwards (power to motor output, motor to power input) and released the magic smoke. Surprisingly, that jaguar still functions and was on our competition bot this year.

Turbo encabulator