We wanted a powerful kicker, with adjustable kicking distance. We decided to try a winch, and made a “dog clutch” for it out of a couple bolts. It seems to work. Video on our youtube channel frc1726
can i get a details of the dog gear and how it works
Zeke Staloch
[email protected]
The spool that the orange strap wraps around, can turn freely on the shaft. It can also move side to side. When the motor/transmsission turns, it drives the shaft. When the spool is shifted to the right, as in the picture, the bolt on the side of the spool is engaged with the bolt on the shaft, so the motor drives the spool. To release the winch, the pneumatic cylinder pulls the lever, which moves the spool to the left, so the bolts disengage.
The orange strap connects to the kicker arm, which has “springs” made of latex tubing pulling it away from the winch.
Had any problems with it back driving?
It does backdrive, it takes some current to the motor to keep it wound up. We’re still working on the control system for the motor. Plan is to keep the kicker pulled back enough to allow us to possess a ball, and then winch it back to whatever distance we need for a kick right before making the kick. On the plus side, it will not remain “cocked” when the robot is disabled.
True, we ended up using a FP motor on ours so we didn’t want to keep it running a ton. (FIRST frowns upon smoke machines at regionals). From a safety perspective I agree that having it slowly wind back would be nice but we also had the problem of pulling our dog out was a lot harder if it could back drive. Now it is a two step system but it is easier to fire.
We haven’t finished yet figuring out how much distance we can get, but it’s looking like about 25 feet. The pneumatic cylinder has been able to release it ok so far. There’s significant leverage on the release arm. We knew that could be an issue, so we worked to make the design with low friction, and plenty of release force.
The CIM gets a bit warm holding the winch in the full distance firing position, but it’s nowhere near smoking.
I like it! Its looks very sturdy and strong. Can’t wait to play on the same alliance!
Looks very consistent and reliable. How much RPM geardown are you using with CIM on a single toughbox (with encoder to manage kick strength too I assume)?
Our winder has 6+" diameter winder wheel which directly stretches (via synthetic cable) our 4-cord bungee set up to 100+ lbs. tension, and so it needs much lower RPM (12-24) with much higher torque (~100 Ft-Lb),. So we’re building an additional two stage sprocket reduction after Toughbox to get winder RPM down much lower, where we need it.
Our “dog” system is between the synthetic fiber tension cable and the winder wheel. Our pneumatic trigger action pulls the tension cable completely off the winder for an instant snap back to pre-wound extension point. Released bungee energy, stored on wind up, pulls cable, with attached kicker, forward with major power for full length of field kicks.
I’ll have actual kicker/kicking PICs/VIDs up on Mon or Tue, after the initial winder wheel mounting is completed.
-Dick Ledford
thank you for the info
Zeke Staloch
What are you using for the intake roller? That seems to be working very nicely. Really cool.