pic: WOODIE!

What in the world is that??? Is that a Woodie mask??!?!?!?!? :yikes:

It is at FIRST headquarters and is an enormous head of Dr. Flowers. When I saw it, my mouth fell open but then again, I hadn’t quite recovered from the 111 robot that I had been looking at just a few minutes earlier.

Edit: I’d love to know how it was constructed.

It is a giant Woodie Flowers head that is on display at FIRST Place in Manchester. It was made many years ago (1997?), back when the National Championships (as it was still known at the time) was still being held at Epcot in Orlando. The team that made it (I think I remember which one, but I am not 100% positive, so I will let them speak up) and had someone running around the field wearing it at one point. After the competition it was donated to FIRST.



After it was donated to FIRST, the FIRSTPlace Summer Camp counselors teach Gracious Professionalism to the little ones, talk about Dr Flowers, and sometimes enjoy a laugh at another (younger) counselor’s expense as they try to wear it.

By the way, it’s really heavy.

any pics :stuck_out_tongue:

how big is it?

Thank you Tottanka for uploading pictures from FIRST headquarters in Manchester.

I’m sure you are having great time there and we are proud of you being Israel’s representative there.

I’m a little sorry I couldn’t make it although I thought about it.

Thanks to the crime of teachers’ strike in Israel, we, the students now have to pick up on lost material and hours and enormous pressure.

I cannot think of what would have happened if I had added a 10 days trip to it.

In any normal country, the teachers alongside with the lecturers would have found themselves behind bars, but that’s another topic we better not discuss in ChiefDelphi.

that spun the blades of my roflcopter.

I haven’t been to FIRSTPlace in many years… I need to go back to see how things have changed. When I go to visit my family in NH this summer I’ll have to make it a point to stop by. The first time I went, a nice office employee felt pitty on me (because I showed up unannounced) and gave me a personal tour (my dad and I.)

That is so cool! We need an enormous head of Dean too!:smiley: