pic: Would you say this is in or not?

Hmm. This is a tricky one, but the manual (1.5.3) says that

“Climbers **Inside **an Alliance-specific Shelter earn ten points per Climber for their Alliance.”

I would unfortunately not give this as a score as the Climber is not inside the shelter, but rather on it. I always give benefit of the doubt, as any ref would, but I don’t think this is a situation where that applies. What did the refs call it as?

It looks like they are practicing.

I think I would agree with that assessment. How ever I don’t think you get this to happen again even if you tried.

This just happened at our practice field back home

Oh wow I didn’t even take a second look at the PVC frame and multicolored tiles :stuck_out_tongue: I can’t believe I missed that!

By Forum Post #123, that would count as in:

“Sections and of the Game Manual Part 2 state that Climbers Inside an Alliance-specific Shelter earn ten points per Climber. In the context of the game FIRST RES-Q, an object that has crossed into the vertical extension of a defined Area’s boundary is “Inside” the Area. A Climber that is resting on the top edges of the Shelter Goal should be counted as Scored if any portion of the Climber crosses into the vertical extension of the Shelter Goal’s side walls. The Climber does not have to break through the horizontal plane of the rectangular opening of the Shelter Goal in order to be counted as Scored.”

Well I’ll be darned. Thanks for the info. I should have assumed there would be a clarification like this.