This is a Wiimote paired with my laptop, using a home-built USB-powered sensor bar for pointing action. The image quality is low because I took the picture with a cell phone camera so you can actually see the infrared lights. You can use it for pretty much whatever you want, including to control Powerpoint presentations. And Powerpoint has this rarely-used functionality where you can draw on slides on the fly. What a useful combination.
But if you think this is use[strike]ful[/strike]less, wait until you see what comes next.
okay… i feel lost and left out… or maybe i just dont have enough time on my hands…
HOW!?! lol… i figure there is a site or forum i could go searching for but… im 1. to lazy 2. tired cause i just got outta work 3. dont have a need for it but would love to show off HAHA…
Strange, I would have expected to also see people having fun with their PS3 sixaxis controllers by this time, or have people not figured out how to have fun with them yet?
How can i get in on this Wiimote action? it would be great for the chairmans presentation. I want to just swing my arm wildly to the right to go to the next slide.
So, are you guys using the built in motion sensors for the drawing or the IR? Over the break I’m going to build a remote IR bar for my Wiimote and try it with my Mac (so far only the motion sensing works for moving the pointer around).
This is amazing. I saw a couple of articles on, and am in the process of purchasing one for myself
I plan on putting it in a punching bag and using the accelerometer to tell me how hard the bag is hit. If the 3g accelerometer in it doesn’t prove to have a large enough range, I will just add weight to the bag untill it is harder to accelerate.
Also if you are interested in doing this check out They have alot of good info. I been wanting to try this, but I havent had the $50 to spend on a wiimote.