Picking the right Safety lenses

So I have google glass, and I was hoping to bring them to Champs with me. With google glass, you can easily put in lenses. One of the lenses is safety glasses. I’m just wondering if this would be FIRST legal. Going over the rules, it doesn’t say anything that would deem it illegal, however I just want to be sure before I purchase them. Here’s the direct link to the actual lense. There’s two different types, the other has all the info on them (posted below) https://rochesteroptical.com/store/safety-shield/

Safety Shield for Google Glass Enterprise Edition (EE)

American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Z87+ Certified
Wide coverage to protect your eyes at work
Clear shield designed to nicely integrate with the Google Glass Enterprise Edition (EE)
Easy installation and removal

Instead of having the EE version, I have the explorers.

it’s a big help if the Z87 is on the lens somewhere…so if anyone asks, you can show them.

Assuming you’re not drive coach (or other member of the drive team), I agree with Jim - don’t foresee any problem if you can document their certification.

I wouldn’t worry too much. At least at events I’ve been to, no one cares at all. Sometimes, the event themselves will sell garbage $0.10 side “shields” and everyone’s fine with using them on normal, non-safety glasses. And it does look like the shields (for the EE at least) say Z87+ on them anyway.

Oooh neat, I’ve been wanting to pick up some Glass for FRC stuff… might have to now :).