Picking up Algae

With there being 2 types of algae balls currently, has anyone’s plans of acquiring algae (if planning to acquire algae) been affected? For algae removal from the coral reef would it be easier to knock it out in which you are trusting that it doesn’t bounce into your robot or impact an alliance member or opponent robot or would it be easier to spend time carefully extracting it with an arm mechanism in which then you have to be able to control its destination and you might prevent or make it harder to also do coral or climb with said mechanism. Thoughts?

While knocking out the algae would definetly be quicker, when it would be harder to bring to the processor area, and if it falls on the bot, especially with the lowered weight limit, the ball could easily damage a robot, either your own or one from another alliance, so it is currently looking that the safest option would be to carefully extract it because it is easier to transport to the processor area and poses a smaller risk to the robot, I hope this helps!