picture/diagram of controllable single/double

does anyone have picture or diagram of the controllable actuator system, using a single to control air to the double?
i have tried following the text instructions i have searched however none seem it do it.

Sorry to bring this back up but does any one out there have this digram or a link to it

It looks basically like this

                 --------  EA            ----------  EA
                |        |------\      P |         |-------| (plug)
Pressure In-----|   DS   | EB   |--------|    SS   | EB
                |        |------/        |         |-----> (open to atmosphere)
                 --------                ----------
                  |    |                   A|   B|
                 A|  B |                     \__/

Use the DS to control direction, and the SS to allow/disallow movement.

An alternative is to just buy the correct solenoid valve to allow for mid-cycle positions called a “Three-position pressure center” valve. The spec sheet is here. Look at valve type SY3520-6H, for example.


That works too, under the current rules. The system I laid out above, and personally devised in ~2004 (maybe not the first to do so, but I did it on my own) works with exclusively KOP parts, and I would argue can be made better (with addition of a couple other components) than a center off valve, as far as stability/accuracy goes.