PID controller (driveatrain)

if i want to control the speed on my robot, do i use PID controller? like someone brought up speedcontrollergroup and motorcontrollergroup but iv never seen that in our code and im not sure how to answer their question lol.

PID Controller is a type of closed-loop control, and doesn’t inherently have anything to do with the speed of your robot. You can read more about these types of control schemes in the advanced controls section of the docs: Control System Basics — FIRST Robotics Competition documentation

SpeedControllerGroup is the old name for the MotorControllerGroup, which is a class that allows you to group related motors. For example, if you have 2 motors mechanically linked in a gearbox. You can use it to control the speed of the robot, but no differently than if youre commanding the motors directly. It’s just a helper class to group things.

ETA: it’s worth mentioning that MotorControllerGroup is deprecated as of the 2024 season, in favor of .addFollower() (New for 2024 — FIRST Robotics Competition documentation)