this motor is for the intake mecanism, what I saw is that to take balls, there is a moment where the mecanism can’t take the balls naymore or it have problems to take it.
mmm no I think I haven’t seen it.
this are the values I’m using: private double kP = 1, kI = 0, kD = 0.15, kFF = 0.000015, kMaxOutput = -0.6, kMinOutput = -0.6, maxRPM = 10000;
int kIz = 0;
And I don’t know why but when I put a code in github the othere users can’t see it, however here is the subsystem.
public class Intake extends Subsystem {
private DoubleSolenoid solenoid;
private VictorSPX intake_Motor;
private VictorSPX hopper_Motor1;
private VictorSPX hopper_Motor2;
private double kP = 1, kI = 0, kD = 0.15, kFF = 0.000015, kMaxOutput = -0.6, kMinOutput = -0.6, maxRPM = 10000;
int kIz = 0;
protected void initDefaultCommand() {
public Intake(){
solenoid = RobotMap.doubleSolenoid;
intake_Motor = RobotMap.intake_MotorVictorSPX;
hopper_Motor1 = RobotMap.hopper_Motor1Spx;
hopper_Motor2 = RobotMap.hopper_Motor2Spx;
intake_Motor.getPIDConfigs(new VictorSPXPIDSetConfiguration() );
intake_Motor.config_kP(0, kP);
intake_Motor.config_kI(1, kI);
intake_Motor.config_kD(2, kD);
intake_Motor.config_IntegralZone(3, kIz);
intake_Motor.config_kF(4, kFF);
intake_Motor.configClosedLoopPeakOutput(5, 0.5);
public void take(){
public void stop(){
intake_Motor.set(ControlMode.PercentOutput, 0);