PID Tuning for flywheel using CANSparkMax

Team 5549:

My team and I are currently in the process of PID tuning our flywheel on our shooter and needed some assistance with the process. For reference, our flywheel is controlled by two neo motors that are attached to CANSparkMax’s. We wanted to tune our PID using the Rev Hardware Client using the telemetry graphs, however we found the graphs slightly confusing as we have never used them before. We also did research online about how to tune a PID and some folks recommended tuning your feedforward gain to the maximum RPM of the Neos and then tuning your PID of that. We were able to tune the feedforward to a maximum RPM of about 5500 on the neo’s but when we tried to tune the PID loop, we found ourselves struggling as to how to do it and also to see the values since the graphs on the REV Hardware Client didn’t allow us to zoom in.

If any team/individual on how to best tune our flywheel from the Rev Hardware Client and the process they went through to do it, that would be great. Any help is always appreciated.

We’re having the same challenges with PID Tuning… exact same setup too! Two Neo’s powering the flywheel. Hoping someone can chime in here to provide some tips. We’ve tried year after year and haven’t been able to ever tune PID properly unfortunately.

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