PIDF Values Falcon 500s

Anyone know how these values change for the talon FXs, especially with different sensor units, etc? Is there updated documentation?

public final static Gains kGains_Velocit = new Gains( 0.25, 0.001, 20, 1023.0/7200.0,  300,  1.00);}

    double targetVelocity_UnitsPer100ms = leftYstick * 500.0 * 4096 / 600;

I think the only thing that would change is the 4096 (sensor units per rotation for quadrature) to 2048 (sensor units per rotation for the integrated encoder). The PIDF gains would obviously change depending on your mechanism. kF would probably need to be recalculated (?) due to a different encoder resolution.

This example project is pretty neat.

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