Has anybody seen (and solved) the conundrum whereby you can wirelessly ping every part of the control system, including the cRio, yet the DS shows no robot communications?
I remember seeing a previous post that that was all the DS did to check comm status.
I think pings are only used in the diagnostics screen, but the big section with “Robot Communications” means it is actively talking to the FRC_NetworkCommunication task on the cRIO.
Are you running NetConsole? Can you check if it is posting any errors?
I think any trouble I’ve had with that has to do with multiple network interfaces; having both ethernet and wireless enabled, and the DS doesn’t know which to choose.
But I was using the ethernet port to connect to the router. While I could ping the cRio with the wireless off, I needed to turn it back on for the DS to see the robot. Very strange!
That means your DS was configured to use your wireless interface.
I don’t recall how to switch it, but disabling your wireless might work. (If you’re using Windows XP, this is done in the Network Interfaces part of the Control Panel; turning your wireless off on your laptop does not disable the interface.)
On last year’s DS, the communications thread would lock in the DS IP address and the robot would need to be rebooted in order to change the DS to a new IP. Changing from wired to wireless NIC would typically use a new IP.