I have been trying to install pyfrc for python. I have copied the EXACT code from the FRC Python documentation. Any ideas on what is going on? I will attach the issue below in a screen shot.
Looks like you’re trying to call it from a Python shell. Pip (AFAIK) is just a command line tool, so try again but straight from bash or terminal.
Ahh english please
Are you running Mac/Linux or windows?
The actual command is:
py -3 -m pip install pyfrc
and should be run from cmd or terminal. You do not want the >>> symbols. If you are stuck in a python shell (what >>> signifies) you should type exit
Windows 7 pro
I just updated my comment above. Type exit or ctrl-d/c/x (not sure which one for python) and then run the command
py -3 -m pip install pyfrc
Yay success