Pit Design

Does anyone know the material that the award banners are made of? Or does anyone know a good material to use to cover the walls of a PVC framed pit? Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.:confused:

Award banner material seems like it would be expensive. I’ve seen teams hang curtains in the past that looked pretty fancy, PVC would work as a great curtain rod too.

No I don’t know, but if your looking for just something to act as a wall you could try using just a Tarp and bungees, which can easily attach to PVC. Plus it would be a lot cheaper especially if a hole were to accidentally happen, it wasn’t done into something expensive. There is a small variety of colors of tarps but there is sum. Also easily to find at a local store near you most likely a hardware store of some kind.

I agree that the award banner material may be expensive. The best suggestion would be to find an inexpensive fabric that you like and make a curtain as ICanCountTo19 said. Our team hangs purple curtains, and they look great. The curtains can be prebought at a display company (www.camelbackdisplays.com) or custom made. If you custom make it, there is no reason you can’t sew a sleeve at the top and the bottom to achieve a tought look rather than a free drape.

Hope this helps.

Go to your local Jo-ann fabrics or store selling bulk fabric and find a low-cost sturdy and smooth material. You will find something that works. You can even connect the fabric with duct tape. Just lay the fabric out, and tape the top edge to the pipe. Spin the fabric around the pipe as to hide the duct tape, and then tada!