Pittsburgh Regional 2011

It’s coming up to that time again!
Who’s going to be there this year?

And Is everyone happy it’s back to a three day event?

Hope to see you there,

Team 1708

Ask me after December 2nd. :stuck_out_tongue:

And yes, I am very glad it’s a 3-day event.

1319 is excited to attend the Pittsburgh regional. It is an event that we have been looking at for the past few years, and this year it seems that everything lined up perfectly for us to attend. We hope to have some good exposure to new teams and we are glad that it is a 3-day event even though we have never attended one that was not.

i am like Travis, ask me after Dec. 2, We are on the waiting list also. Seems it filled up fast this year. Love the bag and tag (saves shipping on second event) and yes will be glad it is back to a three day event.

We tried to get in, but FIRST won’t allow you to register for a Week2 and wait list a week 2. Looks like we are Wisconsin bound this year.

I thoroughly enjoyed myself at the Pittsburgh Regional last year, the volunteers were great and the teams were friendly.

I’m looking forward to seeing a few familiar faces this year. Hooray for PIT being 3 days this year!


1507 will be at Pitt this year for the first time ever; looking forward to seeing some new faces, and by the looks of it, some old ones as well! :smiley:

Glad to see our old pit-buddy is competing with us this year. :slight_smile:


3193 is looking forward to Pittsburgh with a much bigger team for our second year. The bag-and-tag plus the typical 3-day event is a perfect combination for us.

Here’s hoping they open it up to more teams. Not only will there more teams to meet, but also more time in between matches–last year’s match pace was murder, with no time to make repairs when needed.

That’s what makes Pittsburgh…Pittsburgh. That and the pit flooring. Come to think of it, maybe we should install pneumatic tires on our robot cart this year…

2614 is very excited to be attending once again this year. We will be glad to see familiar teams and some unfamiliar ones as well.

I will like the 3-day event much better. Last year, we drove up Friday morning, leaving home at 5:30am. All that on top of the bus full of FLL kids coming up on Friday morning made for a really hectic day. Having Thursday to get on our feet will be great. I do like the bag-and-tag, especially for the first regional of the year.

Pit Buddy!!! It’ll be nice to see you guys again, we’ve gone a few competitions without you :stuck_out_tongue:

Pittsburgh here we come!

1249 and 337 both got off the waitlist and are now part of the Pittsburgh Regional once again. Glad to see 48 and 1038 returning to Pittsburgh

Thanks - more notably from Ohio, Innovators Robotics 3138 got in.

This is going to be one heck of a competition!

Worked hard to make an issue of improving the flooring. Seemed better this year - what did you think?

I don’t remember tripping on the plywood joints this year, so there must have been an improvement. I guess a floor is just one of those things you don’t notice except for when it gives you problems.