Anyone else think it was unneeded to hear a constant barrage of sexual innuendo in the music at the Pittsburgh Regional? Does “taking your clothes off” fit in with gracious professionalism? Isn’t there a certain lack of professionalism associated with blatant sexual references and unabridged swearing? Couldn’t we play something else for once?
Yes, I agree that it does show a sense of bad GP and shouldn’t be heard at a regional.
Well, playing devil’s advocate, I’m not sure that it has much of anything to do with Gracious Professionalism. Sure, it may not be very appropriate for what’s supposed to be a mostly school-oriented activity… but anti-GP? Not really. (As I remember, there was a team who would strip for alliance partners…:yikes: )
I suppose, with some finagling, you could say anything that might offend anyone else as being un-courteous, and then twist GP into meaning courteous…but it’s a push.
But the regional music choice…for a school event, maybe a little over the top, but if the FCC isn’t complaining, it must be fine right?..
While I agree that it isn’t what I’de like to be constantly forced to listen too while I’m working on MY team’s robot, but it is what is popular… and in order to spread the idea of FIRST out to everybody, you first have to catch their eyes, or in this case ears. When catching the general public’s eye, You have to cater to the lowest common denominator, and you have to cater to the vast majority of people.
Specifically speaking, FIRST wants to get to teenagers, and teenagers listen to that stuff, if you don’t believe me… just turn on the radio.
It would be perfect if all we had to listen too at a competition was Simon and Garfunkel, but that would make most teenagers run away instead of stay.
During Nationals at Disney, the DJs played the JOE - Stutter video on the big screen to fill time (during the awards ceremony I think). Afterwords, they apologized for playing the video because it doesn’t represent FIRST.
Problem is, Most “popular” music is in generaly in bad taste for events like first. So if the DJ is playing popular music, it may go against what FIRST is trying to do.
While FIRST could stand to expand their music library (I am so sick of hearing YMCA, Cotten Eyed Joe and whatever slide played three times each hour) I don’t consider Gold Digger or Bring Em Out appropriate for a FIRST event, even edited.
When you are offended by the music, complain to some one in charge…
Tell pit admin to voice your opinion,while speaking in a graciously professional manner to them, to the event manager, who should be able to correct the situation. FIRST isn’t right there, but the event manager is.
Then, e-mail FIRST about it! They DO respond to your comments.
I remember the instance at the Championship mentioned above, and, if I remember correctly, Dean himself came out to apologise.
Sometime things slip through, or the person reviewing the music list just isn’t aware. YOU can make the organization aware. Contact them.
Plus, just because the kids listen to it isn’t a good enough reason to advocate it. We can adhere to a higher standard.
I’m watching Peachtree’s webcast. They are showing a montage of Dave says “That’s pimp” buttons while playing Ludacris - Pimpin’ All Over the World. I find this absolutely hilarious and not offensive. I was laughing up until Sir Charles got the mic back…BOOOYA!. Although I am not a big fan of most of the music at regionals but it is all in fun and keeps the crowd in it (which is a great thing) so it can’t be all bad.
Teams are usually given an opportunity to voice opinions and offer feedback at a team feedback forum in late spring. Be sure your team leaders are aware of your concerns and communicate them. Although I was on the planning committee for UTC, I barely listened to the music that was played - too busy with other things. So I was dismayed to read this post and will make mention of it to the committee. We can’t improve upon what we don’t know is a problem.
Even if this is what people enjoy listening to, there is plenty of rap music that is not about sleazy sex (which is not professional…whether or not it is gracious doesn’t really matter, we are talking about the professional realm here, which does not include some of the references I heard at Pittsburgh or Purdue for that matter)
I mean look at most def. He doesn’t rap about sex. And he raps well. There are popular songs that aren’t about sex. It’s about looking out there and finding them.
Editing out the f-words in songs wouldn’t be a bad idea either.
The rapper who released a short bit with Beatty earlier this year did a full “Aim High” rap at the Midwest Regional today. I’m too old to be a rap fan, but it was very “family friendly” and had a catchy beat. It could very easily work it’s way into the FIRST song list for Regionals.
Please DO NOT wait until the team forums to provide feedback on this topic. There has been an issue this year with the songlist that has been provided to the DJ’s at the events, and we all need to let FIRST know about it. At the Phoenix Regional last week, even the DJ asked “are you SURE you really want me to play these?” when he saw the play list. After several folks made their concerns known, we were told that the play list would be scrubbed for inappropriate material in time for this week’s events. But with the rush to get the events organized, that particular action may have been pushed to one side. There are still two more weeks of regionals, plus the Championships. Let your Regional Director and FIRST headquarters know that the song list needs to be fully reviewed before those events.
How does one contact these people?
You can recognize the Regional Directors; they are usually ones who speak at the opening and closing ceremony. They are sensitive to these kind of issues.
There is also a FTA (First Technical Advisor) at each regional event. They also are helpful and responsive.
In NYC Regional one year, we did have adults requesting certain types of songs that are strong in language (like the type you mention) not to be played.
Well I am from Pittsburgh and that is pretty much the only music we listen too and I am not trying to be rude or anything but sometimes you just have to deal with things that you do not want to listen to or things like that. I mean yes I would have rather listened to something else also but I just sucked it up and learned to deal with it
was it webcasted or does anyone have any videos or stuff from the competition
I don’t believe there was a DJ in pittsburgh. I think it was a radio station (probably satellite radio or internet radio.) I seem to recall hearing commercials, and DJ’s don’t play commercials.
Old thread, last year’s issue.
is there any webcasts from this year competition in pittsburgh