Pixy Cam Setup

Our team is trying to see if the Pixy Cam is a viable camera for our vision tracking, but if we can’t see if the cam is working on a computer, it’s going to be difficult to implement on our bot. The Pixy Cam we have is unable to connect to any computer, except for when we first loaded up the cam, where it showed an out of focus picture. After that point, the cam is unable to connect to the computer, and we have found no solution to the problem. Anyone have any solutions to a similar problem that your team had?

Is there an error message when connecting to PixyMon?

I had the same issue and discovered that the cable (usb to pixy) I was using was broken.

Our team found this guide helpful


I was also able to manually focus the camera by screwing the lens in and out.

Yes, the error was when the cam was trying to connect to PixyMon. The errors started after I adjusted the lens to get it back in focus. I think that our Pixy might be defective, but just to be sure, I sent a message to the CMUCam support. That link that you sent rockinthespecs was what I first looked at, but it didn’t solve any problems. Thanks anyways!