Pixy Camera detection

So the pixy camera is wired into the SPI but it is not being detected. Did anyone else run into this problem?

Yes, we seem to be having the same issue. I followed a guide I found for the PixyCam on REV’s site, which noted to plug the PixyCam into a computer through the Micro-USB port, and change the PixyCam’s settings and make sure that its output mode is set to “SPI with SS”. We’re also attempting to use PseudoResonance’s PixyCam2 FRC Java API to establish that link with the camera but still have been able to pull no data from the camera. The camera does indeed turn on (light/sensor towards the bottom of the PixyCam is on and white), and it is correctly wired into the RoboRio following the pin diagram for the PixyCam and the RoboRio’s SPI port. Even after this, we’re also still having trouble establishing proper communication and control of the PixyCam 2.

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