Playing With Fusion WebUI Crashes Java

Hello, our team is trying to use a Playing With Fusion CAN Bus Time of Flight Range, Distance, and Proximity Smart Sensor. We’ve got it connected and put its libraries into our Java code, and the robot code will run without error. However, when we try to access the sensor’s configuration page with the robot enabled at the address “”, the robot immediately disables and an error appears in the log. Attached is the log file outputted to the Rio’s temp folder.
I have never seen this error before nor am I able to find it on the internet. Any ideas as to why it doesn’t work? The sensor object in Java always returns 0 as the distance, by the way, but that’s just because we couldn’t set it’s CAN ID. The logs show that a PWF device was found. We also double-checked wiring.
hs_err_pid1667.log.txt (58.8 KB)

We managed to get the sensor to function by setting the code’s CAN ID to 0, which is the default. Ideally we would like to change it ourselves, but this method will work for now.

That’s how we got it to work last year. (Use canid 0) we never got the UI to work for changing the CAN Id

It appears a wpilib update broke PwF’s webserver (abi break) and PwF is working on fixing it

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Upgrade to the latest PWF vendordep (2024.01.28). Older versions are incompatible with WPILib 2024.2.1 due to a change we made that unknowingly broke PWF’s webserver code.

This fixed the issue, we just had an outdated library. Thanks!

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