PLEASE help me locate pictures from Buckeye ...

… of the 1018 RoboDevils Segway Chariot. I was very fortunate to have almost unlimited access at the CSU Convocation Center with my decked-out Segway. And the company that was so gracious in providing the Chariot Skin (and rush shipping it to my hotel) would like some pictures of it in action. If you, or anyone you know, can get some pictures of my chariot PLEASE send them to me, or send contact information so I can make arrangements. Please send pics to [email protected]. And if you are interested to see some other cool dressed-up segways, visit

Thanks!! And congrats to ALL of the Buckeye Regional participants for making it a GREAT competition!

that was pretty cool looking segway… did you see on the news that they made a new offroad segway?

sry dont have any pictures of you and your segway

found a few… a x-cater took a lot of pictures from buckeye heres one pacge with you on there

a few?!

the website has HUNDREDS of excellent photos from the buckeye regional

nice work!

Yes, but the topic is specifically about the Segway “Chariot”, not the regional itself.

Thanks !! I found a second one in that collection also. Anyone else??? I’m desparate (My team is all away on Spring Break) !!

Send me the Chariot and I’ll send you all the photos you want. :wink:

updated album on the website…

Sorry to bump the thread … but I am desperate to locate more pictures of my chariot. I know several people took pictures of me in Cleveland … PLEASE let me know if you have, or know of, any pics.

THANKS … and I’ll see you in Atlanta!!

You and a few other guys. (Anyone get the guy spinning around during Openning Ceromonies?)

yes, there i believe are a few pics of him at try it out…

I’ve registered a new domain to replace the old one:

The following also work:

Hopefully the spelling of this one won’t confuse so many people.

Yet another one of you Stu, on that same website. This one is from Atlanta though.


a bunch on this page as well:

I couldn’t resist… what, after having seen the request after Buckeye. :wink: I hope you like them. However, please note that the direct links to those photos will definitely change as soon as I find the time to organize the photos into categories according to team. should be around for a while, though. :wink:

What happend to the day 4 pics?

Day 4? Thur, Fri, Sat,…
It’s a joke, right?

Day 1 is Wednesday.
I saw Mike taking pictures on Saturday but I don’t see any on his site so I wonder what has happened to them.

Nothing… yet.