Please Help - Surveys for Studies in Mechatronics and Robotics Education

Hi Everyone, I’m Nikhil Bajaj, a FIRST Alum, and Mentor and Volunteer - I have spent most of my time with Purdue FIRST and their associated teams, and I was on 461 in High School. I’m now an assistant professor of mechanical engineering at the University of Pittsburgh. A few months ago we had a great workshop on the future of mechatronics and robotics education, and had some questions for the community. We would really appreciate your input on the following topics (please note this is for for everyone…students, educators, potential employers, etc.)

–James Mynderse (LTU), Nima Lotfi (SIUE), Nikhil Bajaj (Pitt), and Vishesh Vikas (UA) are studying the perceptions of mechatronics and robotics engineering among faculty, students, and professionals. This study has been approved by the LTU IRB. We invite you to participate in our study by completing the survey linked below.

– Carlotta Berry (RHIT), Michael Gennert (WPI), and Rebecca Reck (Kettering) are working to identify practical skills you would expect a student to have upon completion of an undergraduate mechatronics and/or robotics curriculum. We invite you to participate in our study by completing the survey linked below.

Thanks so much for your help!!

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