Please help with NetBeans


I’ve followed some of the discussion threads involving transferring a default program from NetBeans to the cRIO but I still cannot get it to work for me. The updates are installed, the correct link for future plugin updates is there, and the cRIO is operating with v19. Here is what the code looks like:

No to.jar.file specified.
Using “suite\BuiltInDefaultCode_1.0.0.jar”
Deleting directory C:\Documents and Settings\Developer\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\DefaultCode\build
Deleting directory C:\Documents and Settings\Developer\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\DefaultCode\suite
Deleting directory C:\Documents and Settings\Developer\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\DefaultCode\j2meclasses
Created dir: C:\Documents and Settings\Developer\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\DefaultCode\build
Compiling 1 source file to C:\Documents and Settings\Developer\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\DefaultCode\build
Created dir: C:\Documents and Settings\Developer\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\DefaultCode\j2meclasses
Created dir: C:\Documents and Settings\Developer\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\DefaultCode\suite
Building jar: C:\Documents and Settings\Developer\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\DefaultCode\suite\BuiltInDefaultCode_1.0.0.jar
Using “suite\BuiltInDefaultCode_1.0.0.jar”
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sun/squawk/Method.getParameterTypes
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sun/squawk/SymbolParser.getSignatureTypeAt
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sun/squawk/SymbolParser.stripMethods
[translating suite image [closed: false, parent: squawk] …]

Excluding compile: com.sun.squawk.Method::getParameterTypes

Excluding compile: com.sun.squawk.SymbolParser::getSignatureTypeAt

Romizer processed 73 classes and generated these files:
C:\Documents and Settings\Developer\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\DefaultCode\image.sym
C:\Documents and Settings\Developer\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\DefaultCode\image.suite
C:\Documents and Settings\Developer\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\DefaultCode\image.suite.metadata
C:\Documents and Settings\Developer\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\DefaultCode\image.suite.api
Expanding: C:\Documents and Settings\Developer\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\DefaultCode\suite\BuiltInDefaultCode_1.0.0.jar into C:\Documents and Settings\Developer\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\DefaultCode\suite
Moving 1 file to C:\Documents and Settings\Developer\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\DefaultCode\suite
Moving 1 file to C:\Documents and Settings\Developer\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\DefaultCode\suite
Moving 1 file to C:\Documents and Settings\Developer\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\DefaultCode\suite
Deleting: C:\Documents and Settings\Developer\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\DefaultCode\image.suite.api
Connecting FTP @
Sending local file image.suite
Setting up for RUN
Waiting for prompt "-> "
[cRIO] ->
[cRIO] -> xdelete “/ni-rt/system/SQUAWK_DEBUG_ENABLED”
Waiting for prompt "-> "
[cRIO] deleting file /ni-rt/system/SQUAWK_DEBUG_ENABLED
Waiting for prompt "-> "
Waiting for prompt "-> "
[cRIO] value = -1 = 0xffffffff
[cRIO] ->
Waiting for cRIO to reboot (1s)
Waiting for cRIO to reboot (2s)
Waiting for cRIO to reboot (3s)
Waiting for cRIO to reboot (4s)
Waiting for cRIO to reboot (5s)
Waiting for cRIO to reboot (6s)
Waiting for cRIO to reboot (7s)
Waiting for cRIO to reboot (8s)
[cRIO] ->
[cRIO] -> * Loading StartupDlls: debug
[cRIO] Entering debug.o StartupLibraryInit
[cRIO] Debugging is up, target server mounted at /tsfs
[cRIO] VxWorks
[cRIO] Copyright 1984-2006 Wind River Systems, Inc.
[cRIO] CPU: MPC5200 – Wind River Lite5200 BSP.
[cRIO] Runtime Name: VxWorks
[cRIO] Runtime Version: 6.3
[cRIO] BSP version: 2.0/10
[cRIO] Created: Jul 29 2009, 13:41:47
[cRIO] ED&R Policy Mode: Deployed
[cRIO] WDB: Ready.
[cRIO] Leaving debug.o StartupLibraryInit
[cRIO] * Loading StartupDlls: NiRioRpc
[cRIO] * Loading StartupDlls: niorbs
[cRIO] * Loading StartupDlls: NiViSrvr
[cRIO] * Loading StartupDlls: nivissvc
[cRIO] task 0xee3cf8 (PAL00fb5098) deleted: errno=0 (0) status=0 (0)
[cRIO] NI-RIO Server 3.2 started successfully.
[cRIO] task 0xc5f148 (NiRioRpc) deleted: errno=0 (0) status=0 (0)
[cRIO] * Loading StartupDlls: nivision
[cRIO] * Loading StartupDlls: niserial
[cRIO] * Loading StartupDlls: FRC_FPGA
[cRIO] * Loading StartupDlls: FRC_NetworkCommunication
[cRIO] FRC_NetworkCommunication was compiled from SVN revision 2064
[cRIO] FPGA Hardware GUID: 0xAD9A5591CC64E4DF756D77D1B57A549E
[cRIO] FPGA Software GUID: 0xAD9A5591CC64E4DF756D77D1B57A549E
[cRIO] FPGA Hardware Version: 2010
[cRIO] FPGA Software Version: 2010
[cRIO] FPGA Hardware Revision: 1.3.0
[cRIO] FPGA Software Revision: 1.3.0
[cRIO] * Loading StartupDlls: FRC_JavaVM
[cRIO] [OTA Server] Version: 2010 FRC, Dec 30 2009, 15:22:08
[cRIO] [OTA Server] Starting…
[cRIO] [OTA Command Server] In serverSocketListener()
[cRIO] [OTA Redirector] In serverSocketListener()
[cRIO] task 0x2152250 (t2) deleted: errno=0 (0) status=0 (0)
[cRIO] Welcome to LabVIEW Real-Time 8.6.1f2
[cRIO] NI-VISA Server 4.5 started successfully.
[cRIO] task 0xe62320 (t1) deleted: errno=1835009 (0x1c0001) status=1 (0x1)
[cRIO] [OTA Server] Restarting Java VM
[cRIO] [Squawk VM] Starting up…
[cRIO] [Squawk VM] Version: 2010 FRC, Jan 11 2010, 23:01:10
[cRIO] [Squawk VM] File SQUAWK_DEBUG_ENABLED not found, starting squawk in normal mode…
[cRIO] [Squawk VM] arg: squawk.out
[cRIO] [Squawk VM] Squawk command line file SQUAWK_CMD_LINE not found, using default args…
[cRIO] [Squawk VM] arg: -suite:robot
[cRIO] [Squawk VM] arg: -Xmxnvm:1M
[cRIO] Bootstrap suite loaded
[cRIO] In Startup
[cRIO] Looking for implementation class com.sun.squawk.platform.posix.vxworks.natives.SelectImpl
[cRIO] Looking for implementation class com.sun.squawk.platform.posix.vxworks.natives.LibCImpl
[cRIO] FPGA Hardware GUID: 0xad9a5591cc64e4df756d77d1b57a549e
[cRIO] FPGA Software GUID: 0xad9a5591cc64e4df756d77d1b57a549e
[cRIO] IterativeRobot Constructor Start
[cRIO] IterativeRobot Constructor Finish
[cRIO] BuiltinDefaultCode Constructor Started
[cRIO] BuiltinDefaultCode Constructor Completed
[cRIO] IterativeRobot startCompetition() Start
[cRIO] RobotInit() completed.
[cRIO] Disabled_Init() completed

Can anyone make sense of this for me, please? I appreciate any and all help you can provide.

Thank you.

Nothing looked obviously wrong in your log. Perhaps you can expand on what you mean by you can not get it to work.

What’s not working?

Ecerything you see there indicated a proper execution.

Now, I can guess that you put code into your robot that you expected it to do something. Try a System.out.println(“Hello I am here”); in one of the methods and see if it comes out.

Are you sure you put the code in the right place? Or, if it is code for teleop, are you sure you’re in teleop mode (via the FRC Dashboard/Driver Station software) before testing it?