I have been working for the last 3 days to program the solenoids on my teams robot. I have asked a few different times how to do this, but nothing seems to work. Would anyone be willing to share images of there Labview solenoid/pneumatic code? It would also be helpful if someone could help us work out this bump in the road, if we still get stuck.
Thank you all so far, and please help me get through my rookie year with my sanity:ahh: ,
Walnuts and Bolts Robotics Team
The snippet attached should show the basics of using solenoids. If you have a single solenoid, you want to use the “On” and “Off” values of the enum constant, and if you have a double, use “Forward” and “Reverse”.
The example will turn on a single solenoid on the press of button 0 (and turn it off when released). Button 1 controls the forward/reverse state of the double solenoid. If you want to toggle, then read through this thread.
Use the solenoids to open in the begin.VI like how you would a motor
Then Hitchhiker had a good example as above but for the global variables you could use True or False, One and Zero, Or On and Off. If you have any questions just DM
Make sure you have programmed the CAN address of the pneumatics module to be unique. Use the RoboRio web viewer to see/change CAN addresses.