PLZ Fix error

I keep getting error :Error at edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.RobotBase.main( ERROR Unhandled exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: Code: -1029. HAL: Resource already allocated at [edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.hal.PWMJNI.allocatePWMChannel(Native Method), edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.PWM.initPWM(, edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.PWM.<init>(, edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.SafePWM.<init>(, edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Talon.<init>(, org.usfirst.frc.team5713.robot.Robot.robotInit(, edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.IterativeRobot.startCompetition(, edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.RobotBase.main(]

Joystick mXboxController = new Joystick(0); // this will drive the robot
Joystick controlStick = new Joystick(1); // this will be for function of the robot such as toggle the conveyor belt and etc.
Talon frontLeft = new Talon(3);
Talon frontRight = new Talon(2);
Talon rearRight = new Talon(0);
Talon rearLeft = new Talon(1);
public void robotInit() { // this code will be ran each time we power on the robot

mXboxController = new Joystick(0); // depends on the usb connected to computer
controlStick = new Joystick(1);
frontLeft = new Talon(3);
frontRight = new Talon(2);
rearLeft = new Talon(0);
rearRight = new Talon(1);

public void autonomousInit() {  // triggers when we enter autonomous

    frontLeft.set(-1.0);// dont forget to change speed to an int value -1.0 is full reverse and +1.0 is full forward also for foward on the y value -1 this may vary REMEBER!!!

public void autonomousPeriodic() { // this code runs periodically in autonomous
	while (isAutonomous() && isEnabled()) {

public void teleopInit(){ // This triggers every time we enter telop mode. 
  mXboxController = new Joystick(0); // the number within the parathesis depends on the controllers usb order always check
  controlStick = new Joystick(1);
  frontLeft = new Talon(3);
  frontRight = new Talon(2);
  rearLeft = new Talon(0);
  rearRight = new Talon(1);

public void teleopPeriodic() {
	while (isOperatorControl() && isEnabled()) {
        } if(mXboxController.getRawButton(7)){
        }  if(mXboxController.getRawButton(6)){
		Timer.delay(0.01); } } // this will constantly update motors and speed controllers periodically
public void testPeriodic() {; // launches the smartdashboard that allows us to see inputs and out puts to the robot


You are attempting to construct your Talon and Joystick objects too many times. Try constructing them just once in robotInit().

Joystick mXboxController; // this will drive the robot
Joystick controlStick; // this will be for function of the robot such as toggle the conveyor belt and etc.

Talon frontLeft;
Talon frontRight;
Talon rearRight;
Talon rearLeft;

public void robotInit() {	// this code will be ran each time we power on the robot

  // Construct joysticks here
  mXboxController = new Joystick(0); // depends on the usb connected to computer
  controlStick = new Joystick(1);

  // Construct Talons here
  frontLeft = new Talon(3);
  frontRight = new Talon(2);
  rearLeft = new Talon(0);
  rearRight = new Talon(1);

Hope that helps.

Not a java guy, but I can’t imagine creating three instances of your joysticks and talons is a good thing. Try deleting the duplicate initialization in robotInit() and teleopInit() while waiting on someone better equipped to answer you.

<edit>Someone better equipped than I beat me to it. Good luck!</edit>

Thank you