Pneumatic solenoids of diffrent voltages

So this year with Andymark being sold out of the solenoids we like to use we bought diffrent solenoids on Andymark specifically these on the solenoids it says they are 24v but on Andymark s website they say 12v with the rest of the solenoids on our robot being 12v solenoids should this be a problem

If you want to run 24v and 12v solenoids then you need 2 PCM’s one running at 12v, and the other running at 24v, according to the website and the photo on the website they should be 12v, but if yours says 24v right on the solenoid, then most likely there was a possible mistake and a 24v solenoid got mixed in with a 12v, I would call Andymark and see if this is possible, and if so they most likely they will make it right, their customer service is great.

Probably not a good solution, but at least worth considering this workaround if you have legal relay modules: use relay modules to control solenoid valves of one voltage or the other. This wouldn’t be too difficult if you had mostly 24V valves and needed to mix in a 12V, but to put 24V on the relays, you’re going to need a buck converter to get 24V as well.

R63 makes installing a custom power circuit in between a relay and a solenoid illegal.

R63. CUSTOM CIRCUITS shall not directly alter the power pathways between the ROBOT battery, PDP, motor controllers, relays (per R36-B), motors and actuators (per R34), pneumatic solenoid valves, or other elements of the ROBOT control system