Pneumatic Tubing

  1. Can we use the Pneumatic Tubing from last year?

  2. Where can we buy Pneumatic Tubing?

Thank you!

We need pneumatic tubing please!

i believe so. i never saw rules against it. and they are both the same tubing just the orange is a bit stiffer. the psi was the same as last year so it should be fine. i know we are using last years for right now. and if they say at inspection we cant use it we are just gonna quickly swap it all out

Yes, we need to make sure if the old tubing is legal. We need to have new tubing ordered so that we can replace the old tube.

i will go read through the rules and see if i come up with anything. but theoretically there should be no problems with using the old stuff. another random thing. my pressure regulator leaks. OH NOO

thanks a lot. Good luck with finding the leak ;).

 Prior year FIRST Kit Of Parts solenoid valves, and pneumatic tubing may be used in
addition to those provided in the 2008 Kit Of Parts. Their costs must be accounted for as
explained in Section 8.3.3 Budget Constraints.

woo and i just remembered in my rush to throw the regulators together that i didnt screw the plug all the way in on the unused port. silly me haha