Just wondering, this year they gave us very small storage tanks for compressed air, and we were hoping that first would allow us to use the same tanks that we had in years previous. the rules state that we can use all things listed in pneumatics but doesn’t specify this exactly. any insight would be appreciated
You may only use the items in this year’s kit in the quantities given in the kit. See the updated kit of parts list in team update 1.
If the tanks from last year are exactly the same as this year’s, you may use them in place of the ones in this year’s kit. You may not use them in addition to the ones in this year’s kit.
Actually I think under the restricted parts list, you are limited to using 3 tanks.
2 from the kit + 1 additional tank = 3 in total
*Originally posted by Kwang *
**Actually I think under the restricted parts list, you are limited to using 3 tanks.2 from the kit + 1 additional tank = 3 in total
Nope. The only pneumatics you can use other than what comes in the kit is up to 3 custom cylinders (NOT tanks) from the order form and whatever you want to do for suction cups.