Pneumatics Manual

Hey, everyone! Does the FIRST Pneumatics Manual from 2016-2017 still apply in this season? If so, do we use it’s descriptions to pick our cylinders based on its specifications? If not, where can we find these specifications? Big thanks!

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there is not limit on sizes or types of cylinders, as long as they meet the pressure rating requirements established by the manual and this rating has been established by the manufacturer and are under the $500 BOM per-item limit


No, rules from previous years are never necessarily in line with the current years rules.
Read this year’s rules.

The rules for pistons/cylinders allowed are in this year’s rules, specifically in rules R81 through R94. Like GeeToo said when you asked this question last week and it was answered.

In addition to R13 (no non-KoP item > $500) for general cost like David said.

Please read the rules, it’s 4 pages.

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There is a change that I do know of You cannot fill up the compressor before match as in remove it

I would get the game manual if I were you if you can’t get in it here you are

I’m curious, where is this document from? It was not part of the rules even in 2016 or 2017. Indeed, the word pneumatic is not on the firstinspires archived game documentation page:
Archived Game Documentation | FIRST.
In 2016, the pneumatics rules were R74 through R90 inclusive, and in 2017 they were R79 through R95. Neither of these rule sets include dimensional specifications of cylinders. Like the rest of the pneumatic system, they must be COTS, unmodified, and rated for 120 psi (working in 2016, and burst in 2017).

This is… incoherent. Are you saying that you cannot use the compressor to pre-charge before the match, then remove the compressor? If so, you are correct, this year.

Also, you’d be MUCH better off posting a link to the current, updated Game Manual.

You can precharge the compressor if it is on the robot and stays on the robot, but the robot compressor cannot be removed for match play

It has been around since at least 2009 or so. It used to be referred to the pheumatics section of the rules, but not actually part of the rules. Being referenced in the rule was a little confusing because some thought it was part of the rule by reference. It apparently not updated for this year since it still talks about off-board compressors.

If the manual you’re reading is encrypted, that means you’re looking at the kickoff version and not the most recent version with all of the Team Updates. I highly suggest you use the officialy manual from the FIRST website here.

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I apologise for the lack of clarity in my question, this is where I got the manual from and my team is specificalliy concerned about the bore measurement limits

Right there on page one, it says:

The FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) pneumatic components are outlined in this document. It is being provided as a courtesy, and therefore does not supersede any information or rules provided in the FIRST Robotics Competition Manual. For official questions, please go to the FIRST Forums at

Going through the remainder, the reason those specific bores are given appears to be because these are were the ones available using a Bimba voucher.

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There are no minimum or maximum bore limits. It just has to follow R81-R94 from this year’s rules manual, and cost less than $500.

So does this mean I can use cylinders with different bores?

Yup bore away.

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As @IndySam said, bore away. OBTW, the topic linked below is rather light-hearted so read it with a big grain of salt, but there are some neat clues to help you figure out how big a cylinder is too big. (From practical/strategic considerations rather than rules-based ones.)