Pneumatics using Labview

Can anyone out there share with our very ROOKIE team a programming diagram which adds in a pneumatic compressor and how use a FESTO pneumatic switch?

Our pneumatic system is just going to control one two-way cylinder, up and then down. Any help you could give would be GREATLY appreciated.

Thanks so much


How do you want the controls to operate?

  1. Hold a button down for up, release for down (attached example)
  2. Push one button for up, push another button for down
    *]Up when you push a joystick forward, down when you pull it back, no change when it’s centered.
    For the KOP Festo solenoid valve, make sure to power the Solenoid Breakout on the cRIO with the 24v power.

We are using two joystick in tank drive. WE were thinking on one of the triggers that when we pull the trigger the cylinder pulls closed and when we release it opens. WE are using this cylinder to open and close the jaws on our robotic arm to pick up a ball.

The diagram you sent will that work for this method. Thanks so much you are a life saver!!

Much appreciated!!!


Sorry to be so bothersome and panicky.

Would you have any advice for the wiring for the festo switch? We got stuck with the 24volts on the festo switch and how to actually wire this switch in, to make it operate in both directions. Thanks again!


Here’s a link we found very useful our rookie year (last year):

Scroll down and look for Double Solenoid.