
Does anyone know how to program the pneumatics? I am a nubie when it comes to them, We have it all hooked up but not programmed and I am not sure what to do…anybody want to help me out?

Wire the pressure switch to one of the digital inputs.
Make sure that the digital input you’d like to use is enabled as an input in the “Controller Configuration” under Project.
Hook a Spike relay for the compressor and Spikes for each solenoid valve to RC Relay ports.

In the “Initialize” block add:
From “Function Blocks” – “Pressure Switch” under “Outputs”
This will run the compressor when the pressure is low.

In the “OperatorControl” block add logic to activate each solenoid via a joystick button, etc. then add:
“Relay Output” under “Outputs”
For each of your solenoid Spike relays to actually work the solenoid.

A single action solenoid has two positions:

  1. Forward=1,Reverse=0
  2. Forward=0, Reverse=0

A double action solenoid is handled differently. If you wire them according to the diagram in the Spike Guide:

  1. Forward=1, Reverse=0
  2. Forward=1, Reverse=1