Well guys, now that we know…what do ya think?
I love it, three diffrent venues in four years,(Counting 2004) Totally awsome
I agree the venue changes over the years is a good thing to do.
Although I would say that agreeing to a 3 year deal with Atlanta might me a mistake. I think that they should have a one year trial of the location to make sure that the location is suitable.
I have been to Atlanta before, and in the area of where the stadium is, and I would say that it is a very good choice for the FIRST competition. Although I was in favor of an Epcot return, I believe that Atlanta will be a very good choice for a FIRST event. The city re-constructed the highways (in '96 I believe) for the Olympics and I noticed in 2001 that they were still in good shape, which will make for decent transportation. They have a very nice city, and I would be more than happy to go there next year.
Its going to be weird to have nationals in my backyard (Georgia Tech is a long walk or very short drive from the GA Dome) but very exciting none-the-less. Atlanta should prove to be a very good choice for nationals, both in terms of entertainment and logistics. There are TONS of hotels in walking distance of the competition, and while we can’t really compare to Disney, there will be plenty to do in the days during the competition.
Its been awhile since I last posted.
Though I am not part of a team any more. I feel that FIRST should keep changing the venues for the nationals for a couple of reasons.
For all the states that Does not have a FIRST team will get a chance and good look at what these schools can have their students and teachers / businesses involved in.
Why hold the Championship in one spot. Many sports hold their last game in one area Let FIRST be different and have their last game in many spots so that It keeps the level of excitment to highest.
Prices change all the time now a days. And guranteed next year the prices for using good ol houston astrodome as a venue would have increased some bit. It best to start doing some negotiating now all major venues like WDW, or the people at Astrodome in Houston before the nationals even comes around so that by at least march theres a definite site and teams won’t have to wait as long as they did for a location and planning material.
Ummmm, I think thats it over from my point of view
I absolutely love it! Mostly for personal reason.
My brothers and sisters live in Atlanta and I know the city already (and it’s a big beatiful city) with alot to do.
I like Six Flags Over Georgia much more than I liked Astroworld . I like the pick!
I don’t like it.
Why do all these locations have to be so far South??? I mean, there’s so many great teams in the Great Lakes area plus, it’s closer to the CENTER of the country.
Excellent Choice
I think Atlanta will be great logistically - Major hub for airlines, infrastructure to handle masses of people, Indoor Arena and Pits, loads of stuff to do and see besides the competition.
Now if FIRST can get Coca-Cola to be the “Official Drink” of FIRST Robotics
Thanks to the FIRST staff for getting this information out so soon!
*Originally posted by monsieurcoffee *
**I don’t like it.Why do all these locations have to be so far South??? I mean, there’s so many great teams in the Great Lakes area plus, it’s closer to the CENTER of the country. **
Because it’s early Spring and it’s still pretty cold out.
What does it matter if it’s cold? It’s colder at the Canadian Regional but hey, we’re not outdoors! And, if FIRST could get a large enough arena or connected arenas, there’d be no need to walk outside…
Or perhaps I think this way cause I live in a very cold/rainy place in NY.
*Originally posted by monsieurcoffee *
**What does it matter if it’s cold? It’s colder at the Canadian Regional but hey, we’re not outdoors! And, if FIRST could get a large enough arena or connected arenas, there’d be no need to walk outside…Or perhaps I think this way cause I live in a very cold/rainy place in NY. **
FIRST is thinking the same way they think in terms of an event like the Superbowl. They would like someplace likely to have the best possible weather conditions so they can hold events like an afterparty outside. Regionals feature anywhere from 35-65 teams. The championship features nearly 300 and it is much easier to host a party in an amusement park or a place like Centenial park than say a Madison Square Garden or places like that.
You are just going to have to accept that FIRST is going to have their championships in warm weather locations.
Well said Koko Ed.
Atlanta’s normals for April:
Mean temp: 62 F
Avg. rainfall: 3.6 in.
For comparison:
Orlando, FL: 72 F, 2.4 in.
Seattle, WA: 50 F, 2.4 in.
*Originally posted by GregTheGreat *
**Although I would say that agreeing to a 3 year deal with Atlanta might me a mistake. I think that they should have a one year trial of the location to make sure that the location is suitable. **
I imagine the biggest advantage to planning this so soon is that they can start to prepare for it now. Houston’s main problem was that it was such short notice =(
*Originally posted by WakeZero *
**I imagine the biggest advantage to planning this so soon is that they can start to prepare for it now. Houston’s main problem was that it was such short notice =( **
I think that it is great, that they announced it so early, although I believe that agreeing to a three year run at this location might be a mistake. I would love to see it there, although I would rather have it there for a one year run and then decide weather the location is suitable for nationals.
*Originally posted by GregTheGreat *
**I think that it is great, that they announced it so early, although I believe that agreeing to a three year run at this location might be a mistake. I would love to see it there, although I would rather have it there for a one year run and then decide weather the location is suitable for nationals. **
I’m with Greg. Although I’m sure the dome will be an excellent venue and that the Atlanta area will suit this event to a ‘t’, I’d still rather see us hold the nats there for one year and then decide.
However, if this helps with costs to teams and seems like the best venue, I’ll trust FIRST and say that it’ll be great.
Hear me, people! The Championship event should be held in Oregon!
A great change of scenery for nearly everyone, reasonable hotel rates, and close to a large cluster of FIRST teams that could help with the event. Certain venues have expressed interest in holding a regional here, why not the Championships?
But seriously, I think oregon would be a good choice.
Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah…
You know what?? I am sick of people posting polls about the location as soon as it is released?? How do I know if I like the location?? How do I know if I hate it??
And then there are the people who just disregard the polls and say, “well I think the championships should be in X place”, or “It would be better in Y place”
Will you all just chill out and see how it is before you judge the locale??
The only thing I am going to say about Atlanta as of now is, I wish they just told us that it was going to be there this year and held off the fact that it will be there for the next #th years for a while… It adds to the mystery and surprise…
Although I am disappointed that the locale these next few years is again a stadium with a huge maximum capacity…
It was kind of depressing when we were watching the matches, or the opening and closing ceremonies this year and seeing all those empty seats. Is this something we can change this year?? Maybe a new competition structure rule will be announced to include all the teams like it used to be, and should be to set FIRST apart from all the rest of the sports and competitions???
And pssst… I heard it was going to be a water competition this year… LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL :rolleyes:
I like the location. However, if the pits could be right next to everything else. That would be the best. Our cart is a beast and it is not fun to lug around uphill and for a 3 min walk.
*Originally posted by Elgin Clock *
**Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah…Although I am disappointed that the locale these next few years is again a stadium with a huge maximum capacity…
It was kind of depressing when we were watching the matches, or the opening and closing ceremonies this year and seeing all those empty seats. Is this something we can change this year?? Maybe a new competition structure rule will be announced to include all the teams like it used to be, and should be to set FIRST apart from all the rest of the sports and competitions???
And pssst… I heard it was going to be a water competition this year… LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL :rolleyes: **
Reguards to the huge statium. If you remember Epcot, we were at compacity!!! Might as well plan for the future, and never know, within 10 years that stadium might be filled up. Where do we go from there???