The Poofs’ alliance scored 289 (if my math is right) in semifinals 2 but an alliance member must have been red carded because they got zero. My question is, why were they red carded?
2 Yellow cards. One of them was for touching the controllers too early if I heard correctly. Not sure of the other.
The most common cause is tipping another robot. I didn’t see the game but I did see the zero. Note that the entire alliance gets the red card; the scoreboard doesn’t show who got it
They got two yellow cards. Someone tethered without permission and someone touched the driver station during auto. Two yellow cards makes a red.
If I recall, There were two yellow cards given to the alliance. One for an unauthorized tethering of the robot, and another for touching the controls during auto.
Field crew spent a long time discussing that before revealing the results.
It was 1241 according to people on twitch chat
The score was 289 before the red card. 35 points in penalties. If you take away the 35 penalty points they would have scored 254.
What do you mean by tethered?
Connecting wired to the robot.
They were tethered on the field before the match started, but there was an FTA with them. How could it be illegal?
1983 was given a yellow card for this during elims at PNW DCMP. Is it a new rule this year? I can remember resetting on the field between finals 1 and 2 several times in the past.
Hold up, G10 states (emphasis mine)
ROBOTS will not be re-enabled after the conclusion of the MATCH, nor will Teams be permitted to tether to the ROBOT except in special circumstances (e.g. during TIMEOUTS, after Opening Ceremonies, etc.) and with the express permission from the FTA or a REFEREE.
Violation: Yellow Card
If they were with an FTA and this was PRIOR to the match, how is that a yellow card? Furthermore G15 states (emphasis mine)
During AUTO, DRIVE TEAM members in the CASTLE may not contact anything in front of the STARTING LINE, unless for personal or equipment safety.
Violation: FOUL
How is that a yellow card? That’s clearly a foul if anything.
It’s G14 in this case, because they started using the controls.
Got it. Thanks for the clarification!
I’m curious about this as well. Maybe because it was after their last match in addition to being before the match they got carded, but I just don’t understand the ruling
Does anyone have a link to the video?
Also, the second yellow card wasn’t for the Auton thing, it was because a team member entered the field before the green lights were on
I have a lot to say about this as I was a few feet away from the whole thing. Except a very in depth post tomorrow.
The refs made two very tough calls for our alliance, but were trying to do the right thing in the face of imprecise rules and indirect observations of what actually happened on the field. I cannot in good faith fault them for either call when I look at the letter of the rules, even though I think there is a bit of disparity between the way the refs called things on Newton and how they called things in our previous events both in 2016 and previously.
I am still confused as to why the tethering yellow card was called. When I was watching the stream, 1241 was with an FTA when they were tethered to the robot. By the rule isn’t that legal. It was an unfortunate incident to an otherwise great event. Despite this 254 and 1241 were a great alliance to watch on Newton.