Pool Noodles

As bumpers are a likely requirement for 2018, now is a good time to check out local stores as they are often on clearance at this time of year and are more readily available than in January.

For reference for rookie teams, here is Frank’s Blog post from last year:

The last time Frank didn’t post about pool noodles, we got Recycle Rush.


Didn’t Frank explicitly post that we wouldn’t need pool noodles before 2015?

Ironically enough, 1712 has our decade supply of pool noodles because of 2015. Woohoo litter spares!

Some of the freshmen were messing around with pool noodles in the shop a couple days ago.

I advised them that they were going to be on the bumper crew…

As I recall, it was never mentioned. I was quite perplexed when I received the kits for South Carolina and pool noodles were there!

Make sure your noodles say 2.5" (pending this year’s rules of course).

Save your receipts, too. Some inspectors like to see them.

Wait - what?

I’m hoping this is a joke

At champs, after two bumper-pounding regionals, our bumpers were a little thinner than at bag ‘n’ tag. And our 2-3/8 noodles we bought from Target were under a lot of scrutiny. We had to remove fabric to show that it was wear and tear that made our bumpers as thin as they were. Even then, having bought noodles that were not listed as 2-1/2" we were in danger of not passing.

While this was an immense frustration to the team, the inspector was 100% within rights to challenge our bumpers. Luckily, the lead inspector let us through. At bag, our robot was at the limit of robot volume.


I’ve never asked for a receipt, though I can understand why they’d be requested.

It goes like this: If an inspector is looking at something, and they think it looks not-legal, then they are expected to ask the team if they have documentation, or can otherwise demonstrate legality. For example, I’ve been known to ask a team for documentation on an electric solenoid actuator–just to make sure that it met the specs for that year. When they showed that it did (by pulling up the spec sheet on a phone), I signed off.

Crisis aborted guys, it’s basically a repost of the one pre-2017

As stated clearly here:

“For reference for rookie teams, here is Frank’s Blog post from last year:”

The only real difference is we got a water game joke.

“*Please note that I didn’t say robot buoyancy would actually be a desirable characteristic.”

So we don’t want to float, which mean that it will be an underwater game!

oh man, gotta go dig out my scuba gear now.

oh man, gotta go dig out my scuba gear now.

Just make sure the pressure in your tanks never exceeds 120 psi, and that the pressure of your working components doesn’t exceed 60.

While it will never happen in FIRST … One can dream :rolleyes: