Porting Java Code to C++

I am trying to port some of last year’s java code to c++ for convenience. I am having a lot of trouble.

This is the Java Code I would like to port:

package com.team3997.frc2016;

import *

public class Hardware {

	 * Interfaces
	public static F310 kDriverGamePad = new F310(Pins.DRIVER_GAMEPAD_USB);
	public static F310 kOpGamePad = new F310(Pins.OP_GAMEPAD_USB);
	 * Arduino
	public static I2C kArduino = new I2C(I2C.Port.kOnboard, 168);
	public static Lights kLights = new Lights(kArduino);

	 * Subsystems
	public static Drive kDrive = new Drive(Pins.DRIVE_MOTOR_PINS[0],
			kDriveLeftEncoder, kDriveRightEncoder, kGyro, kDriverGamePad);
	public static ChickenRun kChickenRun = new ChickenRun(kCRunMotor, kCRunIndexSensor);
	public static Shooter kShooter = new Shooter(kShooterMotor1, kShooterMotor2, kFlyWheelEncoder, kOpGamePad, kChickenRun);
	public static Intake kIntake = new Intake(kIntakeMotor, kIntakeExtenderSolenoid, kOpGamePad, kChickenRun);
	public static Hanger kHanger = new Hanger();
	 * Vision
	public static Vision kVision = new Vision();

	 * Utilities
	public static FrontCamera kFrontCamera = new FrontCamera(kOpGamePad);

I simplified the code so it was more concise in what i wanted to do.

What exactly are you having trouble with?

Our team did the reverse last year. Java is taught at school, so we switched to that.

Sorry, I was asking how I could use static objects in c++. However I found a workaround using getters and setter functons.