Post Limit

Just an idea…

Dont u think there should be a limit on how much u can post per day??


its really easy to go over a limit. especially when you gone for a few days.

I’m kind of agreeing with Clark on this one. Might cut back on some of the off-topic discussions. Maybe you could put a limit on only some of the forums, but leave chit-chat as unlimited. Something of that sort. Just an idea.


I agree with David. If you’re gone for a week there’s so much to catch up on. If you start posting and someone else comes on the board and answers what are you gonna do? This is my last post for the day … what about someone who may be reading but not posting who wants to know about what’s being said? If the people result to IM people will want to know about the seccond half. You can summerize but things always get left out.