Post ship practice and code development

Is there a specific rule regarding this? I found the reference in section 6.3.5 that says:

FIRST will allow you to keep all of your robot controls (Operator Interface, OI power supply, joysticks, etc.)
and not ship them with your robot on Tuesday, 2/21/2006. This will allow you to continue to work on your
but I was looking for a more specific, definite, official rule that says “yes you may continue practicing and programming after ship day or no you may not.” If someone knows if such a rule exists and could point me to it that would be great. Thanks!

It appears that you can develop software only during the FIX IT window. See Section 5.3.3 Fabrication Schedule

<R17> During the “FIX-IT WINDOWS” following the shipment of the robot: During this period, all teams may
utilize one or two 5-hour FIX-IT-WINDOWS to manufacture SPARE and REPLACEMENT PARTS and
develop software for their robot at their home facility. Fabrication of UPGRADE PARTS is not permitted
during this period. The timing of these “FIX-IT WINDOWS” is at the discretion of the team, but all work
must be completed by 5:00pm on the Friday following the robot shipment deadline. Teams may manufacture
all the SPARE and REPLACEMENT parts they want, but the amount of parts they can bring to the
competition event is limited (as specified in Rule <R29>).

<R18> Prior to the competitions: After the close of the “FIX-IT WINDOWS” and prior to the competition, the
team must put down their tools, cease fabrication of robot parts, and cease all software development. Take
this opportunity to rest, recover from the build season, and relax. Teams may scout other teams, gather and
exchange information, develop game-playing strategies, collect raw materials, prepare tool kits, plan how to
make repairs, etc. in preparation for the upcoming competitions. But no construction or fabrication of any
hardware, or development of any software, is allowed.

This rule has changed in the year since the thread began.

2007 <R18> During the Build Season: During the period between the Kick-off and ROBOT shipment deadline, teams are to design and fabricate all the COMPONENTS and MECHANISMS required to complete their ROBOT. They are encouraged to use all the materials, sources and resources available to them that are in compliance with the rules of the 2007 FIRST Robotics Competition. When the ROBOT shipment deadline arrives, all work on the ROBOT must cease and the ROBOT must be placed in a “hands-off” condition. The entire ROBOT (including all FABRICATED ITEMS intended for use during the competition in alternative configurations of the ROBOT) and OPERATOR CONSOLE must be crated and out of team hands by the shipment deadline specified in Section

Some teams are going to find it very hard to do any software work during the fix-it windows.

**[LEFT]Team Update #1
Section 4.3.4 - **Teams must include the robot and robot controls (Operator Interface, OI power supply, joysticks, etc.) when they pack their crates.[/LEFT]

so,do you think you could use a console built during fix -it window at comp?or would that be an up grade? i am talking about ten hour window after shipping.

This year’s rules state that the operator controls must be shipped with the robot, so no it would not be legal to build one during the fix it windows. This thread is from 2006, so please remember none of the rules discussion in here applies to this year.