Post your Desktop!

This is a thread that existed on another board I used to be active on and was very popular. Much like the Ipod top 25 song thread, you are to screen shot your desktop for the world to see and than under your picture make a little comment.

Since many files that you guys will have will be above 100kb, I suggest saving your image in a .JPG format using to host your picture so it uploads faster.
I cleaned my desktop for the first time in over six months yesterday and my desktop background is a screen shot from the movie Stranger than Fiction.

Maybe it was this one :wink:

It was on the second page of a “Post Desktop” search.

It’s basically the same, minus the comments sometimes.

Once my desktop got About 1,000 icons on it, I just started making them invisible. It makes for more tranquil Feelings when I am using the computer :slight_smile:

Desktop icons? What icons?

I just cleaned my desktop, so I figured I’d post a screenshot

I have the Boston Skyline because it’s an awesome picture, plus it’s there to remind me that I need to work as hard as possible so I can go to school in Boston.

lemme get on that cool FIRSTers List in your Trillion Window

btw: here is mine

I’ll get in on this revived topic.

I am quite happy with my aqua theme, and even happier with my clean desktop. Now, I must resist that urge to clutter it up…](
click to enlarge

I love our new logo! :smiley:](
click to make it bigger.

That Picture is one of my favorites that I have done. I took it in DC, the processed the film myself and developed the photo then scanned it in, and touched it up a bit with photoshop.

It’s my homage to winter… but it’s spring now, so it will probably change in the next week or so… Personally, I think those birds are up to something… I think they’re the reason we’ve only been getting the Audubon channel lately…


That image can be found here…

Although it changes constantly (and automatically) here’s my current one](](
(Right)It’s a background a made in fireworks ~6 months ago.

(Left)Normally I have either just a plain color, or the “Crystal” background included with winXP.

I’ve got VS 2005 open with the latestFusionEdit solution open. On the right side I have a folder with info about the computer I’m currently saving for(Gateway CX210X), a folder with WinFX samples and installers, and a folder with Skype API info/samples/installers.

Call it a concealed Teaser… Attached
I<3Ubuntu… it is amazing!!!

That desktop is no more as Best Buy forced me to upgrade with their 550 special!:smiley:" acer)

theres also a 1024x768 15"CRT hooked up (so 2 monitors) but with same background and no icons.
works very nice for photo shop and inventor though





Okay yeah… I’m a Trekie!

What desktop?

Ok, that was probably a bit boring.