Post Your Photos & Videos from the 2013 Championship!

One thing I saw a lot of last week was people taking an enormous amount of photos and videos during the 2013 Championship. I’ve seen links to YouTube videos of matches already and I’m sure there are probably hundreds of thousands of photos that were taken. Don’t let those photos & videos hide on your computer, stashed away for no one else to enjoy. Throw them up on a Flickr, Picasa album or some other medium and share them in this thread!

I took over 1600 photos, plus a few videos, and they are currently uploading to a Picasa album located here. If you, your team or your robot are in a photo, please feel free to use them as you’d wish.

Let’s help FIRST & the community make it loud by making available some high quality media sources to use.

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My team came to Champs this year with the goal to scout robots, sadly not to compete. A small crew of my team members and I went to close to 70 teams and took close up pictures of different their robots.

We spent Friday and Saturday running from pit to pit to get all of these pictures. There are close to 1000 pictures neatly organized by team number.

Hope those teams that couldn’t make it can enjoy these pictures.

I took a few pictures during Einstein from the nosebleed section.

Also, I took some continuous shots at 60 fps and made them into a video.
3476 Auto shot
1241 shot
469 shot

And if anyone has video of the TwentyFour conference talk I’d appreciate it (my mommy wants to see it because they missed it by an hour). My camera card kinda ended up getting full.

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Didn’t get to take very many but here they are on our facebook page.

We will add the gopro videos later.

Feel free to like our page while you’re there and check out our other picks and videos from this year.

Apparently you can only put 1000 photos into one album using Google, so I created a second album located here: Link Lots of great photos of teams prepping before eliminations on Saturday and the awards ceremony on Einstein.


Our little Facebook album of St Louis -