Potential-engine: A simple RTSP server for FRC (or anywhere else)

Ever solve a problem and feel less intelligent after the fact? Yeah, that’s me right about now.

Proudly(?) presenting SmartHackboard. (I’m very good at naming things.) This build of SmartDashboard adds a new element, FFmpegStreamViewer, that can view almost any video stream given the address to it. The backend for this process is essentially just ffplay, and as such any options you can use with ffplay are available with the “Extra ffplay options” property. These options are set with key:value,key:value notation. (For example, to have the same effect as ffplay -x 256 -y 144 ... you would set this property to x:256,y:144. fflags is automatically set to nobuffer and loglevel is set to quiet if “FFPlay expanded debug” is left unchecked before user options are applied.

These builds have not been rigorously tested! You have been warned! They should function for all operating systems, but have only been “tested” on Windows (which, for most teams, should be fine?)


  • Java 11 (Any JRE should work but we’ve only tested with Oracle’s.)
  • Willingness to void more warranties than you already have

If you want to replace the WPI SmartDashboard so that the Driver Station can open this version like the “real” thing, just replace C:\Users\Public\frc2019\tools\SmartDashboard.jar with the provided SmartDashboard-all.jar. You do need to rename it from SmartDashboard-all.jar to just SmartDashboard.jar.

And before someone yells at me about source code releases, have our GitHub fork. This build was built off of the feature/multi-track-drifting branch.

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